Voluntary Residence (January – June 2017)
last updated: November 9, 2016
Terms and Conditions
Madam S H Ho Residence for Medical Students (RMS) and Patrick Manson Student Residence (PMR) are designated to accommodate clinical MBBS students for “Compulsory Residence” during specific specialty clerkships, while the remaining bedspaces will be assigned to other students under Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine. MBBS students can apply for such bedspaces as “Voluntary Residence”.
Voluntary Residence (January – June 2017) in RMS and PMR is now open for application through online application form. Before submitting the application, please read through the followings carefully.
All MBBS students under HKU Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine are eligible to apply for “Voluntary Residence (January – June 2016)”.
Application Method
The online application form is available at : http://www.shhorms.hku.hk/online_applicationv2017_1/ (CLOSED now)
Only online application is accepted. Applicant should fill in all required fields and attach address proof in pdf format in order to complete the online form. Upon submission, a confirmation email will be automatically sent to applicant. If no confirmation email is received, it may be filtered to junk box. Please check again before contacting the Hall Management for verification.
To update any information for the application after submission, please fill in and submit the online form again. The Hall Management will consider the last submission as final.
Application Period
October 12 to November 7, 2016. Online application submitted after 23:59 on November 7, 2016 will NOT be considered. The application period is CLOSED now.
Application Period (Status) | Voluntary Residence Period Applying for |
October 2016 (CLOSED) | January to June 2017 |
April 2017 (To be confirmed) | July – December 2017 |
Residence Period
Residence period start date may vary from Dec 31, 2016 (for continue residents) to January 3, 2017 subject to bedspace availability, while end date is aligned to June 30, 2017 (last check-out at noon on June 30, 2017, except for Final Year Students). Successful applicants will receive individual notification email indicating their respective residence period.
Early move-in and late move-out are subject to bedspace availability. Applicants may mark such request in the “Remarks made by applicant” on the online form but it is not guaranteed to arrange so.
Final Year Students may opt to shorten residence period for leaving the residence after final examination. However, the latest check-out date must be indicated on the online form upon application for the Hall Management to adjust offered residence period and lodging fee, and to plan for better bedspace allocation.
The Hall Management also reserves the right to shorten or withdraw any Voluntary Residence bedspaces in case of unexpected needs in compulsory residence and other circumstances. In such, the Hall Management will make at least 2 weeks prior notice and arrange lodging fee refund of the shortened period.
Payment/ Lodging Fee
Lodging fee is calculated on daily basis according to the ENTIRE offered residence period. Current daily rate are HKD 52- for RMS and HKD 47- for PMR. However, the rates is subject to rise after approval by the Committee on Madam S H Ho Residence for Medical Students. The finalized daily rate will be announced in due course.
Payment invoice for the offered residence period will be billed to Student Information System. Residents will receive individual notification email and instruction from Finance and Enterprises Office (FEO) to settle the payment.
All committed/ paid lodging fee will not be refunded unless with special needs to shorten residence period (eg: medical needs, overseas elective etc) approved by the Hall Management.
Admission Criteria
Bedspaces are limited in RMS and PMR. Priority will be given to students in final year and specialty clerkship, and those with higher “Application Score”, which is composed of the referencing items listed as follows. The higher the Application Score, the higher chance to be assigned to the preferred residence.
Referencing Items | Score Scale |
Home address | 0-40 |
Special travel problem | 0-5 |
Home environmental problem | 0-10 |
Seniority in study | 0-20 |
Threat of discontinuation / Repeat specialty clerkship / Remedial | 0-10 |
Financial difficulty | 0-10 |
Other reasons for residence | 0-10 |
Recommendation by Faculty Review Committee for Residence | 0-20 |
Master’s discretionary condition | 0-10 |
Maximum Total Application Score: | 135 |
Results Announcement
Main Round result will be released on or before November 17, 2016 by individual notification email. The results with UID and residence name will be posted on our website in due course. PMR resident list with name and year will be posted in PMR Management Office for roommate pairing purpose.
Offer Acceptance
Successful applicants will receive individual notification email and are required to reply by email within 5 days to accept or decline the offer. By accepting the offer, the applicant is committed to take up the assigned bedspace for the entire residence period and settle the incurred lodging fee accordingly. No change of residence will be entertained afterwards.
If no reply is received before deadline, it will be deemed as declining offer and the offered bedspace will be allocated to the next applicant on waiting list.
Roommate Preference
PMR resident list with name and year will be sent to applicants with PMR residence offer for roommate pairing purpose. Applicants with PMR residence offer should provide name(s) of preferred roommate(s) when accepting the offer.
Waiting List
Applicants without Main Round offer will be put on the Waiting List, which will be available at our website in due course. When there is vacant bedspace in the future, the bedspace will be assigned to those on Waiting List.
To appeal against the results, email with justification and support documents (if any) should be emailed to the Hall Management no later than November 22, 2016. Appeal applications will be considered by the Hall Management case by case.
Important Dates
When? | What happen? | What to note? |
October 12, 2016 | Open application | Only online application is accepted.
To complete submission, you MUST fill in all required fields and upload residential address proof in pdf format (< 1MB). |
November 7, 2016 | Close application | Submission after 23:59 on November 7, 2016 will NOT be considered. |
November 17, 2016 or before | Release of main round residence offer results | Applicants with residence offer will receive email notification. The results will be put on our website. |
November 22, 2016 or before | Deadline to accept or decline main round residence offer | Applicants with residence offer must reply email within 5 days to accept or decline offer. No reply will be considered as declining offer. |
November 22, 2016 or before | Deadline to appeal Main Round results | Justification with supporting documents (if any) should be emailed to the Hall Management to put up an appeal against the Main Round results. |
December 31, 2016 – January 4, 2017 | Earliest check-in date | Each residents may have different residence start date as indicated in the offer email. |
No later than March 2017 | Payment | Lodging fee invoice will be billed to residents’ SIS and residents will receive notification from FEO. |
April 2017 | Open application for Voluntary Residence (July – December 2017) | All MBBS students will receive email invitation to apply for Voluntary Residence (July – December 2017) in April 2017. Details will be announced in due course. |
June 30, 2017 | Latest check-out date | All residents (except Final Year Students requested for shortening residence period) have the same residence end date on June 30, 2017 and required to check-out by noon on June 30, 2017. |
Collection of Personal Information
Information provided by the applicants will be used for Voluntary Residence admission exercise only. Personal data will be kept confidential and handled by the University’s staff members. The University may transfer some of the data to an agent or other persons directly involved in or appointed to undertake some of its academic and administrative functions. Under the provisions of Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants have the right to request the University to ascertain whether it holds your personal data, to be given a copy, and to apply for correction of the data, if deemed incorrect. For assistance, please contact the Hall Management.
For enquiry on the “Voluntary Residence” admission exercise, please contact the Hall Management at shhorms@hku.hk or pmsr@hku.hk or 2817 8700.