Optional Residence (M23 – SpeC 2022-2023)
last updated: January 24, 2022
Terms and Conditions
To facilitate on-campus accommodation need during Specialty Clerkship, students attending MBBS V/VI Specialty Clerkship in 2022 are eligible to apply for Optional Residence in Madam S H Ho Residence (RMS) and Patrick Manson Student Residence (PMR) during the following rotations:
- for the whole Medical Rotation
- for the whole Surgical Rotation
- for the whole Obstetrics & Gynaecology Rotation
- for around 10 days during the Paediatrics Rotation (exact period to be arranged by the Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine)
Application will be open through online form. Before submitting the application, applicants must read through the following terms and conditions carefully.
HKU Enhanced Public Health and Hygiene Protocols for All Hall Residents
Following HKU’s announcement on the enhanced public health and hygiene protocols in residential year 2021-22, the same policy has been implemented in Madam S H Ho Residence for Medical Students (RMS) and Patrick Manson Student Residence (PMR) since August 25, 2021 and still in effect. Under the new protocols, RMS and PMR residents will be required either (i) to have completed vaccination against COVID-19, or (ii) to take a self-paid COVID-19 test on a weekly basis until further notice from the University.
The policy implementation details will be released to successful applicants in the offer email. Applicants are reminded that offer acceptance of RMS and PMR residence entails compliance with this University requirement and any other infection control protocols announced during the residential period.
After reviewing the recent COVID-19 situation, the occupancy rate of RMS has been reduced and double occupancy policy (i.e. maximum 2 residents in each room) has been implemented in PMR until further notice. The occupancy rate may be reviewed during the offered residence period and applicants with PMR offers should expect roommates checking-in within the offered residence period.
M23 students attending MBBS V/VI Specialty Clerkship in 2022 are eligible to apply for “Optional Residence during Specialty Clerkship 2022”. However, students who have other accommodation offer in HKU are NOT eligible. Applicants are responsible to update the Hall Management for any changes of on-campus residence status that would affect their eligibility.
For students who have offers of Voluntary Residence (January – June 2022) in RMS or PMR, if the offered residence period covers your Optional Residence period, you DO NOT need to apply for “Optional Residence” of covered rotation(s).
Application Period
Application Period (Status) | Residence Period Applying for |
January 24 – 31, 2022 (Closed) | Rotation 1 – 7
From March 14, 2022 to February 18, 2023 |
Online applications submitted after 23:59 on the respective deadlines will NOT be considered.
Application Method
The online application form will be available HERE during application period.
Only online application is accepted. Applicant should fill in all required fields, and attach a capture of distance score from CEDARS’s distance score simulator and recent address proof in .pdf format for submission.
Upon submission, a confirmation email will be automatically sent to applicant. If no confirmation email is received, the online application may be unsuccessful or the confirmation email may be filtered to junk mail. Please check again before contacting the Hall Management Office for verification.
To update any information for the application after submission, please fill in and submit the online form again. The Hall Management Office will consider the latest submission as final.
Supporting Documents
Address / Address Proof
Applicants should provide their residential address in Hong Kong (excluding HKU hall/college/residence address) to apply unless they have nowhere to stay locally. For applicants who have no home based in Hong Kong, address proof of a foreign country is acceptable. The address proof could be rental agreement, water/ electricity/ gas bill, bank statement or other official document stated applicant name and address, and dated in/after November 2021. Applicant must provide such document in pdf format in order to complete the online form. Applicants may be asked to provide true copy of letters/ proof of residential address upon request afterwards.
Distance Score
Applicants should use their residential address at CEDARS’s Distance Score Simulator to generate a distance score. The generated score should be fill out on the online application form and the screen capture (indicated below) must be uploaded as supporting document. If you encounter any technical problem while using the simulator, please contact CEDARS through email (cedars.housing@hku.hk) for assistance.
Residence Period
Residence period may vary based on the period of Specialty Clerkship Rotations. Successful applicants will receive individual notification email indicating their respective residence period(s).
Unless with special needs (ie: medical needs, termination of study) and prior approval by the Hall Management Office, shortening of residence period is not entertained. However, early check-in and late check-out are subject to bedspace availability at additional lodging charge. Applicants may mark such request in the “Remarks made by applicant” on the online application form but it is not guaranteed to arrange so. For early check-in, prior cleaning of the room is not guaranteed in view of manpower limitation.
Lodging Fee
Lodging fee is calculated on daily basis according to the ENTIRE OFFERED RESIDENTIAL PERIOD. Daily rate is HK$64- and HK$59-* for RMS and PMR respectively for academic year 2021-2022. Payment invoice of the offered residence period will be billed via Student Information System (SIS). Residents will receive individual notification email and instruction from Finance and Enterprises Office (FEO) to settle the payment in due course.
All committed/ paid lodging fee will not be refunded unless with special needs to shorten residence period (eg: medical needs, study termination etc) with prior approval by the Hall Management Office.
*Subject to adjustment by the Committee of Madam S H Ho Residence for Medical Students for academic year 2022-2023.
Admission Criteria
Priority will be given to applicants with higher “Application Score”, which is composed of the referencing items listed as follows:
Referencing Items | Score Scale |
Distance from home | 0-40 |
Special travel need | 0-10 |
Home environmental issue | 0-10 |
Threat of discontinuation / remedial | 0-10 |
Financial difficulty | 0-10 |
Residential need other than the above-mentioned items | 0-10 |
Recommendation by Faculty Review Committee for Residence | 0-20 |
Maximum Total Application Score | 110 |
Results Announcement
All applicants will receive the Main Round results by February 21, 2022 by individual notification email. Any available bedspaces after the Main Round offers will be assigned to applicants on Waiting List, according to their rank, residence option and gender. Applicants on Waiting List should check their email regularly to get update.
Offer Acceptance
Successful applicants will receive individual notification email and are required to reply by email within 5 days to accept or decline the offer. By accepting the offer, the applicant is committed to take up the assigned bedspace for the entire offered residential period(s) and settle the incurred lodging fee accordingly. No change of residence will be entertained afterwards.
If no reply is received before deadline, it will be deemed as declining offer and the offered bedspace will be allocated to the next applicant on waiting list. Successful applicants who decline the offer will not be assigned any bedspace again within the offered period.
Waiting List
Applicants without Main Round Offer will be put on the Waiting List, which will be available at our website in due course. When there is vacant bedspace in the future, the bedspace will be assigned to those on Waiting List.
To appeal against the results, email with justification and support documents (if any) should be emailed to the Hall Management Office at shhorms@hku.hk no later than 16 August, 2021. Appeal applications will be considered by the Hall Management Office case by case.
Important Dates
When? | What happen? | What to note? |
January 24, 2022 | Open application | Only online application is accepted.
To complete submission, you MUST fill in all required fields and upload residential address proof in pdf format (< 1MB). |
January 31, 2022 | Close application
Submission after 23:59 on the deadline will NOT be considered. |
By February 21, 2022 | Release main round residence offer results | Applicants will receive email notification of the results. |
By February 25, 2022 | Deadline to accept or decline main round residence offer | Applicants with residence offer must reply email within 5 days to accept or decline offer. No reply will be considered as declining offer. |
By February 25, 2022 | Deadline to appeal Main Round results | Justification with supporting documents (if any) should be emailed to the Hall Management to put up an appeal against the Main Round results. |
By March 4, 2022 | Results of appeal cases
(2nd Application Period) |
Appeal applicants will receive email notification of the appeal results. |
March 14, 2022 | Earliest check-in date | Each resident may have different residence start date as indicated in the offer email. |
Subject to offered period | Latest check-out date | All residents have different residence end date based on their Specialty Clerkship Rotation. They are required to check-out by the offered end-date, unless with continues residence period offered afterwards. |
Collection of Personal Information
Information provided by the applicants will be used for Optional Residence admission exercise only. Personal data will be kept confidential and handled by the University’s staff members. The University may transfer some of the data to an agent or other persons directly involved in or appointed to undertake some of its academic and administrative functions. Under the provisions of Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants have the right to request the University to ascertain whether it holds your personal data, to be given a copy, and to apply for correction of the data, if deemed incorrect. For assistance, please contact the Hall Management Office.
For enquiry about the “Optional Residence” admission exercise, please contact the Hall Management Office at shhorms@hku.hk, Miss Stefani Lau at 3917 9484 or Miss Sophia Tse at 3910 2068.